
SchoolXon follows the C.B.S.E. curriculum. Though the medium of instruction is only English yet there is an emphasis on achieving high standard in Hindi and Urdu. Besides, a basic course of theology is compulsory for the pupils..


The school session commences in the month of April and ends in the month of March next.


There will be two Unit Tests. Each question paper of these unit tests will carry 25 marks. These tests shall be held in the months of July and December. Half-Yearly and Final examinations shall be held in the months of September and March respectively. Besides there examinations, regular weekly/biweekly tests will be held in order to keep the students in close contact with their studies and to make them more thorough, sincere and devoted.


Parents/Guardians should personally collect the report cards of their wards by visiting the school on the day announced by the school. They should also meet the Class Teacher of their wards and the principal to nd out a clearer picture of the progress of their wards and to maintain the Teacher-Student-Parent Communication cycle.


Parents-Teachers meetings are held at the time of Report Card distribution or on any other specic day, keeping in view the convenience of the school. Parents/Guardian are requested to attend these meetings without fail to know theirs ward's progress, potential, difculties and deciencies, Relatives, tutors of any other unauthorised person is riot allowed to attend these meetings.


A student should have a minimum of 80% attendance along with required academic achievement for promotion to the higher class. To promote punctuality among the students and to make them regular to school, the school awards students having 100% attendance and highest attendance in the class during every academic session.

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The school offers a curriculum and assessment pattern prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.